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Diego Aguillon
Corporate Talent Acquisition Manager

Kristen has the ability to cut through the noise and deliver sound, factual knowledge about the Cannabis industry. In my interactions with her, not only has she been a source of valuable information, but she has been able to educate me on issues that I thought I knew as factual. Not only did she have the soft skills to help me sort through the myths that plague the industry, but her business acumen was impeccable. She is a bright spot in an industry full of myths, hearsay, and misinformation. She is the real deal not only as an expert in the industry, but as a businesswoman

Jennifer Boeder
Content Specialist at Grasslands: A Journalism-Minded Agency

I've been working in cannabis for several years, but I learned so much fascinating new information at Kristen's Terpenes class! She gives you the real intel, free of all the marketing jargon, and her class is grounded in science but very accessible to non-science folks like myself. She's also an entertaining speaker with amazing anecdotes about the cannabis industry after 14 years of working in it. There's a lot of snake oil salesmen and BS’ers in this space, so we're fortunate to have Kristen out here providing real education, leadership and truth-telling

Jeanne Edmunds
Advisor + Connector + Entrepreneur

I've been following Kristen's posts and comments on LinkedIn for about a year and have always thought her insights were spot on. When I saw she was teaching a class on terpenes I signed up immediately and I'm so glad I did. Even though we're generations apart, I have a lot to learn from her as I am new to cannabis and she's done it all, and seen it all, apprentices to an expert on terpenes and is humble enough to admit that she is still learning every day. The class was packed and included people who have been in the business for a while but may have been unfamiliar with the terpene profiles, potential benefits, and how they fit into the whole picture. Kristen was thorough, professional, enlightening, and funny. Very enjoyable and educational and I highly recommend her class. I also plan to connect her to future clients who could benefit from her knowledge and experience.

Holly Aubry

CEO at HUMAN NATURE // A Bicoastal Cannabis PR Agency

Kristen is the cannabis QUEEN of LinkedIn! Her influence goes far. Kristen is a cannabis renaissance woman - a true plant expert, an industry insider who not only knows all the key players but who also has been working in cannabis from the moment the first dispensary in LA opened its doors and media personality. Check out her thought leadership on her BS Detector podcast and don't hesitate to contact her about anything cannabis related. She's one of the best resources in the biz.


Paul Sapiano

Founder at Gold Standard Analytics

Our compliance lab hired Kristen to do some cannabis market research. She aced it! The report she compiled for us was accurate, thorough and detailed. She was a pleasure to deal with and we highly recommend her services.


Rachael Maddison

Founder & CEO StrainConnect

I would recommend Kristen for educational & event speaking/moderating in a heartbeat! Her expansive knowledge of the plant and the cannabis industry has helped our company succeed, and has been key in educational classes she has led for us. And not to mention, her wit and sense of humor make learning interesting and fun. I continually learn from her myself, especially when she is speaking at events or moderating panels, as she's up to date with the news, laws and manufacturing processes, etc., and seems to tie it all together in a way that is blunt and easy to understand



Mng. Dir. - CEO , aBIZinaBOX Inc., CPA's Real Estate, Professional Services, California Commercial Cannabis Tax, Acctg

I am the Managing Partner of a CPA firm that provides high complexity transactional tax, accounting and regulatory compliance services to the commercial cannabis industry in California for thirty-eight years. Kristen is a singularly talented and exceptionally skilled "personality" for lack of a better term in the space. She has an incredible instinct for identifying scams, fraudsters, and nefarious characters in the cannabis industry that should be avoided like raw sewage. She combines that with a very effective presentation and articulation of the "characters" that are best avoided. Kristen is an exceptional resource that makes an outstanding addition to anyone considering an investment in the cannabis industry in California. 


Chris Webb

Interim CIO at Energy Capital LLP

Kristen is a pragmatic idealist who's depth of experience and quick wit helps her advise my companies like mine performing due diligence for a testing laboratory. Kristen also outlined business risks to our team creating a 39% project cost savings. She is a young entrepreneur published in Forbes Magazine. I trust and value her work.


James Jordan

Principal at C2BV Consulting / Executive Director at SCCBIG / Advisor to several Canna Start Ups

Kristen is an excellent resource for detailed cannabis industry info with insights from the past, present, and future. Her deep knowledge and great personality have furthered our group's education and brought a comical approach to industry data integrity. We support her endeavors and welcome her participation. 


Robert Palma

Sustainable Projects Manager | Supply Chain Officer as a Service | Polymath | Futurist | Disruptor | Revolutionary

I have been to dozens of Cannabis events and have not met anyone like Kristen Yoder. She has impressed me many times with her wide-ranging knowledge of the industry and in-depth understanding of Cannabis. Kristen speaks from the heart with obvious passion and knowledge for Cannabis that resonates with audiences. I'm really glad she hosts a radio show, podcasts and science classes because her knowledge is invaluable and needs to be communicated to as many people as possible! 


John Sidline

Helping businesses in the legal cannabis market build brands, manage reputations and thrive

It was such a great privilege to work with Kristen Yoder. Before we met I only knew her by her reputation as a cannabis business adviser, but she is more impressive than expected. She served on the panel of CNvest judges, and provided excellent feedback on the entries she reviewed. She also moderated a panel on cannabis manufacturing and made it especially interesting for the audience. The following day at Terpenes and Testing World Conference, Kristen emceed the “Battle of the Terpene Alchemists” where three experts created terpene infused beverages. Kristen is a very knowledgeable and gifted presenter and speaker. She brings a lot of enthusiasm for all the projects she takes on, and a lot of energy to the stage. It is my hope I get to work with her many more times, and I look forward to being in the audience whenever she moderates or speaks at events.


Curt Robbins

Tech Writer > Content marketing + ops plans + license applications for hemp + cannabis businesses.

I always knew that Kristen Yoder was uber experienced and definitely one of the smart kids on the playground. However, after attending her highly educational trichome viewing in Los Angeles in January 2018, I became convinced that she is a rare resource in the emerging cannabis industry. Kristen has been working in the legal L.A. cannabis market longer than anyone I know. She possesses a special blend of knowledge at various levels of the industry, including science and technology, branding, marketing, and serious issues of patient medical efficacy. Kristen delicately balances her keen marketing and technical insight with an ethical advocacy for patient rights and product purity. She is quick to call "bullshit" on any product, company, or regulation that claims to be high quality but delivers anything other. The rapidly emerging cannabis industry needs seasoned professionals like Kristen more than ever to survive the onslaught of extremely detailed regulatory oversight and hyper-competitive market segments. If I were launching a cannabis company anywhere in the United States, Kristen Yoder would be on my strategy team


Peter Holzworth

Cannabis Industry M&A , IP, Brand Dev & Big Data Analytics, Strategy Execution, Business Dev, Public Speaking

Kristen’s network speaks for itself. Her years of experience in the industry lead to a comprehensive understanding of all issues facing an operator . This was one of the reasons I started CLAB LA with Kristen first at the table.


Johnny Sayegh

GP Connect Series

Kristen was an amazing advisor to bring on-board. She spent hours helping us refine our business model. She is awesome at objectively analyzing business plans and applying the knowledge she has accumulated over her years of experience in the industry to suss out important details often missed. While she was blunt and truthful with us, that constructive criticism has saved us thousands of dollars and months worth of work in the long run. 


As a startup that is crucial to building our foundation and proving our ROI to potential investors. Even better her rates are very affordable, especially considering some of the other people in this industry who want to take advantage of startups that do not have the million dollar seed rounds to hire advisor or consultants for every little matter


Tedd Abramson

Founder, CEO, ZeroTruck

I have worked with Kristen for 3 years now and would highly recommend her because of her successes with "start-up" businesses and other cannabis projects. Start-ups require a demanding and accurate path forward, paying a consultant to figure things out on your dime, is not what founders expect...they want results! Getting a project from idea to reality is what Kristen knows how to do. Not just one successful project, but several. Kristen is a thoughtful, solid strategic advisor, and a no-BS professional. I have recommended her to my associates because of these traits and feel relaxed they will recommend her also.


Chris Hoo

Owner at Evergreen Law

Kristen is the cannabis business consulting expert, period. Her straight-forward, no-bs approach is refreshing, informative and totally my style. Whether attending one of her events just to get to know her or retaining her for consulting services, you'll soon discover that Kristen is genuinely a key player 


Dave Carpenter

Reporting on the intersection of cannabis & entrepreneurship. My writing is featured at & Cannabis Now

Kristen is one of the handful of people I look to in the cannabis space to get a current pulse and understanding of where the industry is heading. Her energy and endless excitement for this business has made her one of those innovative people you think of when you hit a wall and need some direction/answers/innovative thinking. I'd recommend her in a hot second

Daniel Isenstein

Hemp Highway of Kentucky

There are few things I find more enjoyable than getting the opportunity to recommend a person as professional and of such high character as Ms. Kristen Yoder.

It would not be inaccurate to say that if I had not connected with Kristen I would not be standing at the precipice of achieving so many personal and professional goals. Kristen was one of the first people in the cannabis industry with whom I connected on LinkedIn and the first to say "call me" when I started contemplating a move into this exciting emerging industry.

While I have not been fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to work with Kristen "formally", she has continually acted as a professional sounding board for my ideas.

Throughout the process of launching my startup Kristen has been supportive, enthusiastic and willing to offer her honest feedback. I feel very fortunate that I have been able to network with Kristen. She truly represents the best of what we are trying to build the cannabis industry to be. 


Joshua Laterman

Chief Business Development Officer and General Counsel, U.S. and MidWest Cannabis expert

In our first conversation Kristen established confidence, sector expertise and separated herself from the customary CRB (Cannabusines Related Business) advisor


Rusty Wilenkin

CEO at Old Pal

Kristen is one of the most organized professionals I have ever worked with. She is great at setting up operations, tackling issues on the fly, and super personable.


Jeffrey Raber

Innovative Entrepreneur

I've had the pleasure of working with Kristen for almost 5 years now, and I can firmly state she’s an exceptional individual with many talents. Her attention to detail supported by a broad based view of the world (both front-facing consumer side and back-end operations side) is further solidified by her strong intellectual abilities. She tackles new projects with incredible speed and accuracy. Her ability to develop new products, new procedures and make a positive impact on a company's operations would most certainly be welcomed by any company. She has a wonderful demeanor, can-do attitude and a willingness to constantly work hard. You can tell she is passionate about what she does! Definitely excellent qualities in my opinion, and the kind that are hard to see from any resume. I strongly recommend anyone looking to bolster their team's ability to speak with Kristen and see how she can accelerate your company's efforts! 


Dakota Sullivan

CEO at Calyx Brands

Kristen was my client at Aquarius Cannabis. She is extremely knowledgeable about the industry and the medicine. Furthermore, she's a very genuine person, a candid communicator and a creative problem solver who finds ways to make any situation better.


Andrew Hay

President at Hay & Associates, An Accountancy Corporation

Worked with Kristen to set up a Quickbooks file for a company related to Aquarius Cannabis. Kristen's knowledge about the Cannabis industry and Quickbooks made the process easy.

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